Lorentz Workshop will come in 2025

This story began in May 2023. At that moment, already more than a year ago, the journey ahead seemed almost unrealistic, because at that time we were deciding that we wanted to hold the workshop at the very end of our project, in February 2025. At that moment, the project had just moved from the “childhood” to “adolescence” phase and it was very strange to think about its end. We were also about to apply to the Lorentz Centre, aware of the high competition, especially from those colleagues in the exact sciences. There is still a belief that it is harder to get funding for humanities research.

This week we reached the first big milestone on our way: our proposal was approved by the Lorentz Centre’s multidisciplinary board! This is a big team effort: many hours of discussion with the team about the concept of our workshop, writing a text that reflects deep concepts but is also understandable to a wide audience, drafting the programme, and much more. We all did a great job and managed to achieve what we wanted. And despite the fact that there is still a long way to go, we end this week rejoicing in our common victory!

Stay tuned

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