
Upcoming Events

We are now looking forward the upcoming conferences, such as CLIN in august, and keep preparing for the big event – the Lorentz Workshop which has been accepted to be held on 24-28 February 2025.

Past Events

June started very actively for our project: we took part in two conferences at once. From 4 to 7 July – DHBenelux2024, where Ekaterina Tereshko spoke about how readers respond more actively to books that break out of the usual genre framework, and Marijn Koolen participated in the presentation of the collective results of the workshop held in January 2024 in Bielefeld.

The following week Marijn Koolen was already presenting Impact and Fiction at the CCLS in Vienna with a paper on From Review to Genre to Novel and Back. An Attempt To Relate Reader Impact to Phenomena of Novel Text.

In January 2024, our team has the privilege of participating in the “Towards Interdisciplinary Modeling and Methodology” workshop organized by the ZiF group in Bielefeld.

This workshop participants will delve into the significant impact of cultural practices in the digital realm, specifically undertaking a cross-cultural exploration of fiction book reviewing across six languages. The primary focus will be on the behaviors of ‘non-professional readers’ from diverse cultural backgrounds, emphasizing digital contexts and transcending cultural boundaries.

You can find more information about this event here.

Between September 27th and 30th we have given three presentations at the IGEL 2023 conference in Monopoly. More about this event is in our blog “What do we know about literature?“.

Between July 10th and 14th, we presented results of the ongoing research at the DH2023 conference. More about our presentations you can find here.

Between July 14th and 16th, we presented our project at the conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature, IGEL 2022.

Additionally, we presented a paper at the conference Digital Humanities 2022 (25-29 July 2022). This paper is titled Reading Impact in Online Book Reviews: Challenges and Prospects. It will be part of the panel Books’ Impact in Digital Social Reading: Towards a Conceptual and Methodological Framework.

On June 17th 2022, Marijn Koolen presented the paper “What can Online Book Reviews Reveal about Readers and Platforms?” at Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN) 2022, on behalf of the entire Impact & Fiction team. The abstract is available here.

On June 1st 2022, Peter Boot presented the paper ‘This book makes me happy and sad and I love it’ – A Rule-based Model for Extracting Reading Impact from English Book Reviews, at the first annual conference of Computational Literary Studies in Darmstadt. This paper was written by Marijn Koolen, Julia Neugarten, and Peter Boot. The paper describes work we did before Impact & Fiction started, developing a rule-based model to assess impact in reviews.